Juan goytisolo bartzelona, katalunia, 1931ko urtarrilaren 5a marrakex, 2017ko ekainaren 4a. Juan goytisolo archivos pub libros, epub, mobi, pdf. Juan goytisolo gay 5 january 1931 4 june 2017 was a spanish poet, essayist, and novelist. Juan goytisolo, guerra civil, posguerra, novela social, rebeldia. Constante antifascista y antifranquista en particular. On 24 november 2014 he was awarded the cervantes prize, the most. During this regime, the opponents the republics followers were be indexed as enemies of the model or vision of francos. Lan horretan parisen gertatu zitzaion deserrotzea kontatzen du, teknika erabat berritzaileekin. Le sue opere includono romanzi, libri di storia e di viaggio, saggi e poesie. Juan goytisolo wurde 1931 als sohn einer wohlhabenden familie in barcelona geboren.
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